Thursday 6 November 2008

severed fingertip trauma

So, so tired in the evenings these days, it’s hard to find time to wash up, let alone blog. Three weeks ago, we were in our local library, Peaches and I, and she got her finger trapped in the hinge side of a big heavy door, and the tip came off, nail and all. Big trauma at the time, overnight in hospital while they stitched it back on (respect to the guy at the library who, at my tearful request, went to said door, retrieved said fingertip, and put it on ice. Word to the wise – I didn’t know this – you have to put the severed article in wet gauze in a plastic bag, seal it, then put it in another sealed bag of water, and put that on ice. Even the A and E staff didn’t know this).
We are all fine, overall. Peaches's finger is healing, it's hard to see at the moment how it is going to turn out 'aesthetically', but of course, as I well know (I have fingers missing on one of my hands), that's not the point! Daily dressings are a pain, she is supposed to keep the whole thing dry, but loves to suck the dressing (it must itch like mad), so I'm replacing it at least 3 times a day. She is a bit poorly right now, with a virus thing which has laid her low, but she was better tonight. She is still completely delightful and gorgeous!
Peanut is well, she is loving school - she leaves much earlier than she has to in the mornings, I take that as a good sign! She is making lots of new friends, and relishing the independence her new life is bringing! Poor love phoned me after school today in tears, though, she had lost her blazer and phone. It was found again soon after, but it made me reflect on what hard lessons she is having to learn so quickly. And to me, 11 years has flown by, my baby, getting the bus by herself… She still lets me read to her at night, and I know it may not last for much longer, so I'm making the most of it!
Pasta, dare I say it, is maybe slightly better behaved than over the summer, when she exploded all her anger, jealousy and insecurity all over us all! She's had a hard time recently. Now I know she is dyspraxic, it has made me focus on really trying to get her some of the things she needs, like a motor skills group at school, and chasing up speech therapy, which is just an appaling service. And I'm trying to give her 1to1 time myself when I can; she likes going to the cinema or the museum.
Since I've adopted Peaches, apart from the sheer physical exhaustion of doing so much by myself, the main problems I've had have been Pasta-related. I know she feels dreadful and doesn't know what to do or how to deal with it, but other people are less tolerant of her - previously, she was this docile, amenable baby-like child, and adults can deal with that, but the new Pasta is bolshy, and they comment on it. Pasta is finding her new level, developing, responding to new emotions, and she just has to go through it. But it's wearing me out!!